august, 2020
(Wednesday) 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Virtual Workshop - Zoom
Presented in
0.2 PPO Professional Studies
ASLIS is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This Professional Studies program is offered for a total of 0.2 PPO CEUs at Some Content Knowledge Level.
Event Details
This is a panel discussion with several individuals who are part of the LGBTQIA communities focusing on their own lived experiences as Deaf/DeafBlind/DeafDisabled individuals working with interpreters. This panel discussion
Event Details
This is a panel discussion with several individuals who are part of the LGBTQIA communities focusing on their own lived experiences as Deaf/DeafBlind/DeafDisabled individuals working with interpreters. This panel discussion will give participants an opportunity to go beyond binary thinking and explore the spectrum when discussing gender and sexuality when discussing various identities within the LGBTQIA communities. Interpreters will learn from the panelists’ situated knowledge on how to work better with LGBTQIA consumers minimizing the harm and oppression against them.
Educational Objectives
- Participants will understand and be able to describe the fluidity of identities related to gender and sexuality.
- Participants will identify communication, interactional, and linguistic approaches and strategies that avoids microaggressions toward LGBTQIA-identified consumers
- Participants will formulate professional development goals that develop their deaf-, queer-, POC-centered interpreting practices.
Presenter Bio
Facilitator: Naomi Sheneman has been working professionally in the interpreting profession since 2000 in various roles. She is currently a freelance consultant, researcher, educator, interpreter diagnostician, and interpreter. She publishes work as well as gives presentations and trainings nationally and internationally focusing on ethics, power dynamics between deaf people and interpreters, and medical interpreting.
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Amy Parsons is a professional interpreting mentor, committed to creating and elevating a humanistic model of interpreting that prioritizes racialized and marginalized voices. A lifelong consumer of interpreting services, she is usually found working with a cup of strong black coffee by her side, spending time with her loved ones or planning her next backcountry adventure.
Octavian Robinson earned his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in history with a specialization in women, gender, and sexuality in Modern U.S. and transnational contexts. He also holds a M.A. in Deaf Studies from Gallaudet. His research agenda is rooted in disability studies. He has published on history, ableist rhetoric, citizenship, disability justice, and linguistic rights.
Anna Dudda is a Deaf transgender immigrant from Germany. She grew up in Minnesota and holds a B.A. in Anthropology from Grinnell College (Iowa). She has participated on numerous panels, including discussions of disability and LGBTQIA issues. In 2019, she moderated a panel on invisible identities at Grinnell’s Multicultural Reunion.
Najma Johnson, MA, is currently the Executive Director at DAWN. Najma earned their BA in Deaf Studies and MA in Mental Health Counseling at Gallaudet University. Najma co-founded Together All in Solidarity (TAS), an umbrella anti-violence community collaboration that functions as a network for marginalized communities within the Deaf Community.
Topher González Ávila was born in Mexico and grew up in Texas. LSM is his first language. His mom and two siblings all are deaf and so are some of his uncles, aunts and cousins! During the day, he teaches for a university and works as a freelance community interpreter. On the side, he works as a freelance video editor.
ASL Interpreting 5801 Duluth Street, Suite 106, Golden Valley, MN 55422