december, 2024
(Thursday) 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm CT
Virtual Workshop - Zoom
Provided/Sponsored By
All Greater MN Interpreter Access grant programs are provided by ASLIS and supported by grant funding from the Minnesota Department of Human Services: Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing State Services Division.
Presented in
ASL with English Interpretation
$30 for Minnesota Metro and Out of State Interpreters
Greater MN Interpreters, enter the Coupon Code that was provided in your email. Don’t have the Coupon Code? Email us before registering at
All workshop registrations are final. No refunds.
0.3 PS
ASLIS is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This Professional Studies program is offered for a total of 0.3 PS CEUs at Some Content Knowledge Level.
Event Details
In the field of sign language interpreting, mentors are often seen as diagnosticians and
Event Details
In the field of sign language interpreting, mentors are often seen as diagnosticians and magicians. They are called upon as professionals to figure out what an interpreter needs to improve to pass a performance exam or overcome a skill plateau, and then effortlessly create a transformation for the interpreter mentee. In reality, mentoring is a much more intensive, long-term commitment that requires both the mentor and mentee to experience growth and change. Effective mentoring does not focus solely on prescriptive activities to alter an interpreter’s technical skill set, rather, it is focused on the person as a practitioner and what they need to become a confident, effective professional. In this workshop, participants will explore the rationale for a practitioner-centered approach and evidence-based strategies and resources that can be integrated into a mentoring practice that supports the whole interpreter and their journey towards growth and development.
Educational Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
– Explain common reasons interpreters and mentors struggle with a “traditional” approach to mentoring.
– Identify the underlying layers that impact people in their ability to learn and invest in the mentoring process.
– Describe evidence-based strategies that can be implemented to create optimal conditions for the mentoring process.
– Create a plan of action for further development of their mentoring practice.
ASLIS virtual workshops are NOT recorded for later viewing.
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Presenter Bio
Jen Hayes, MS, NIC, EIPA 4.9 began working as an interpreter in 2004. After gaining interpreting experience and exploring her passion for teaching, she went to graduate school and earned a master’s degree in interpreter pedagogy in 2017 from the University of North Florida. Since then, Jen has been dedicated to improving professional development opportunities for interpreters through workshop presentations, curriculum design and the development of a coaching program. She strives to support interpreters holistically by not only providing instruction on effective interpreting, but additionally by helping interpreters explore strategies to improve their mindset, and ultimately, their effectiveness in their professional work. If you find Jen during a rare free moment, you will find her enjoying time with her spouse and four children, reading, gardening, or decorating cakes.
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ASL Interpreting 5801 Duluth Street, Suite 106, Golden Valley, MN 55422