This is the DeafBlind text description of “Deaf World and Interpreting Conference” flyer.
The upper half of the flyer is covered with a background image of a bridge sprouting out of two cliffsides. The ends of both bridges is illustrated with an ASL sign of “F” or “9.” These ends connect to make an ASL sign of “interpreter.” The bridge is grey colored. Background to the bridges is a bright blue sky with scattered clouds.
On the foreground, there are a centered text. It reads:
On the right of the text, there is a green box with the following text:
[text: .75 CEUs Offered! register:]
Below is the text:
[text: May 5th, 2018 (9:30am – 7:30pm)
Holiday Inn St. Cloud, MN*
75 37th Ave. S.
St. Cloud, MN 56301]
Next to the asterisk, there is a white image of stick figure standing next to a projected screen. The asterisk refers to a navy blue banner on the very top of the flyer. The text in the banner is:
[text: *Event will also be streamed at these WebHub locations:
There is a yellow star next to each of these two towns, signifying a webhub.
Right below of this navy blue banner, there is a thin green banner. Inside is the text:
The bottom half of the flyer begins with a row of speaker photos. The following is from left to right:
[photo of Jonathan Penny. He is a white man standing against a dark pink background. He has a short brown-blonde hair with a rubble beard. He is smiling, showing his teeth. He is wearing a green colored buttoned-up shirt.]
[text: Jonathan Penny. “The Dangers of Linguistic Purification in the Deaf Community.” 10:00am – Noon, .2 CEUs.]
[photo of Ritchie Bryant. He is a bald black man wearing glasses. He is wearing a bright green buttoned-up shirt. He is smiling. He is standing against a background of a stage.]
[text: Ritchie Bryant. “Should We Talk about Social Justice in the Deaf Community?” 1:00-3:00pm, .2 CEUs.]
[photo of Howard A Rosenblum. He is a bald white man wearing glasses. He is giving a big smile. He is wearing a grey/brown suit. He is standing in NAD office. A partial NAD logo can be seen on the left.]
[text: Howard Rosenblum. “How Do I Advocate for My Rights?” 3:15-5:15pm, .2 CEUs]
[photo of John Fechter. He is a white man with a black goatee. He also has a short black hair. He is wearing a plaid shirt. He is standing against a wooden background. He is smiling.]
[text: John Fechter. MADC Town Hall Forum. 5:30-7:00pm, .15 CEUs]
Below of these photos, there is a navy blue banner with the following text in white:
[text: Deaf World and Interpreting is a spring conference hosted by MRID and ASLIS with funding from DHHSD. This conference will also feature MaDC-hosted town hall forum. There will be three workshops that focus on bridging ASL interpreters and Deaf world together!]
Below of this text, there is a row of logos. The following is represented with their respective logos: ASLIS, MN Department of Human Services, NAD, MRID, MADC, ACET, RID’s CMP, and there is a CEU sponsor text:
[MRID is an approved RID CMP sponsor for continuing education activities. Pending approval, this professional studies program is offered for .75 CEUs at little to some content level.]
At the bottom of the flyer, there is a text. It reads:
[text: FOR WEBHUB AND ACCOMMODATIONS: or contact or 612-913-4262.]
This is the DeafBlind text description of “Deaf World and Interpreting Conference” Video Transcript:
[The video opens with ASLIS logo. It fades into a video of a man. He is wearing a black sweater with ASLIS logo on his upper left chest area. He has a sandy brown hair. He is standing against a background of coalescing colors. He is signing in ASL.]
Springtime is here! Did you know that we will be hosting a big event!? You know how MRID (Minnesota Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf) tend to host annual fall/spring conference? These conferences tend to have presented workshops and socialization where people can learn and share with each other about the ASLinterpreting profession. Now, what is this spring conference all about? Deaf World and Interpreting. We are bringing together the Deaf World and ASL interpreters. The Deaf community can join with the ASL interpreters to share perspectives and learn from each other on how to improve the interpreting profession for the future. How to make more communication accessible. The spring conference is a collaboration by MRID with ASLIS and DHHSD. And there are two other sponsors: MADC – Minnesota Association of Deaf Citizens – a local association. And NAD – National Association for the Deaf. So what’s up with this conference? I’ll explain the day. In the morning, we will have a presentation by Jonathan Penny. He’s the ASL Program Coordinator at the University of Minnesota. He will present about what? You probably have seen this on the social media such as facebook, youtube, etc. There has been a hot discussion, including here in Minnesota, about ASLpurification. There are some ASL words, phrases, and signs that have a history of English and hearing-abled people’s influence. Should we “purify” our language to more ASL? In the afternoon, we will have Ritchie Bryant to present about social justice in the Deaf community. There are many different cultures in the Deaf community with some of their own obstacles. Should we deconstruct those obstacles? What will this look like? How do we do it? That’s what he will discuss! Later in the afternoon, we will have NAD’s CEO – Howard Rosenblum to present about: “How Do I Advocate for My Rights?” The Deaf people often get told “No” when they request for an interpreter at various hospitals, organizations, and companies. Sometimes the Deaf people need additional support such as CDI and/or have different communication preferences. And they often face frustrations with the providers’ inability to fit their communication needs. How do I advocate for my rights? How do I get the communication access that I want/prefer? Immediately after Howard’s presentation, there will be a MADC hosted town hall forum about advocacy. The forum is for the Deaf people and ASL interpreters to discuss a topic – “Are you satisfied with ASL interpreters in Minnesota?” Are there improvements to be made? Are there some common problems that you experience? You can come up during the forum and share your experience – positive or negative. Share about problems that you want to be addressed, an idea for a solution, or any issues you want to share. There also will be vendor booths at the conference for you to tour. Where? St. Cloud. When? May 5th. Time? The doors will open at 9:30am. The doors will close at 7:30pm. Be noted that there will be DNO (Deaf Night Out) after the door closes. ASL interpreters and the Deaf people are very welcomed to this conference. The Deaf community can socialize and enjoy this conference. ASL interpreters, Deaf or hearing, can earn CEUs at this conference – a total of .75 CEUs for all day. St. Cloud is not the only location. There will be remote webhubs in some cities like Duluth and Moorhead. You can look at the slides of information at the end of this vlog. If any of the locations are not near your home, and you don’t want to drive the far distance – you can contact me to establish a webhub in your hometown!
[text slide: Deaf World and Interpreting/spring conference/May 5th, 2018/9:30am-7:30pm]
[the video returns to the man signing. He is conveying a closing message.]
Are you Deaf? Are you an interpreter? It doesn’t matter. We ALL are Minnesotans! We toughed through a LONG winter from the end of October to March! And it’s still cold and snowing! Springtime is soon! The Deaf World and Interpreting spring conference is happening. Come and show our Minnesotan pride!
[text slide: hosted by:]
[text slide: MRID logo.]
[text slide: MN Department of Human Services logo.]
[text slide: ASLIS logo.] [text slide: with support from:]
[text slide: MADC logo.] [text slide: NAD logo.]
[text slide: .75 CEUs, register here:]
[text slide: Presesnter: Jonathan Penny, Topic: The Dangers of Linguistic Purification in the Deaf Community, CEUs: .2]
[text slide: Presenter: Ritchie Bryant, Topic: Should We Talk about Social Justice in the Deaf Community? CEUs: .2]
[text slide: Presenter: John Fechter and Howard A. Rosenblum, Topic: MADC Town Hall Forum, CEUs: .15]
[text slide: Presenter: Howard A. Rosenblum, Topic: How Do I Advocate for My Rights? CEUs: .2]
[text slide: Where: Holiday Inn & Suites 75 37th Ave. S. St. Cloud, MN 56301]
[text slide: Interested into establishing a webhub near your home? Contact us at:]
[text slide: TO ASK QUESTIONS OR REQUEST ACCOMMODATIONS Please contact us before 3pm, Wednesday, April 25th –] [text slide: MN Department of Human Services logo, This webinar is provided by ASLIS and is supported by grant funding from Minnesota Department of Human Services – Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division.] [the text fades. MN Department of Human Services logo remains.]