Kassy joined the ASLIS staff in August 2015. She grew up about an hour south of the Twin Cities on a hobby farm. When Kassy started college in 2006, her degree was Intercultural Communication; her passion for learning about different cultures and different approaches to communication morphed into a passion for ASL. After receiving her AA degree from Normandale Community College, she transferred to Saint Paul College where she eventually got her AAS in Sign Language Interpreting, then went on to get her Bachelor's from Metropolitan State University in Intercultural Communications with an Emphasis in ASL. Kassy loves theatrical interpreting and signing to music as well as getting to use sign language to communicate every day. She has a lot of past experience working in office settings, but is excited to put her skills to good use working for a company whose goals she supports. Outside of work, Kassy loves spending time with her husband, cat, and family, reading, doing yoga, watching movies, and learning about pop culture.