This retreat is for speaking deafblind. It is an opportunity for them to receive information customized to their needs, receive training in tools and technology to improve their quality of life, and connect with others who experience similar challenges in navigating a hearing-sighted world.
The retreat will take place the weekend of March 4-5, 2023. It will be held at the Best Western Plus Kelly Inn. The address of the hotel is:
Best Western Plus Kelly Inn
100 4th Avenue South
St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301
Program Details
Sat 03/04
10:00 – 11:30 | Welcome – Meet and greet, icebreaker activity |
11:30 – 1:00 | Lunch – box lunches |
1:00 – 2:30 | Show and Tell – Bring your latest gadgets and assistive technologies for others to learn about! |
2:30 – 3:30 | Break – snacks |
3:30 – 5:00 | Mental Health: Survival Tips for Life’s Unexpected Storms – Tobias Wilde will present information about Mental Health. |
5:00 – 6:30 | Dinner – Plated meals |
6:30 – 8:00 | Fun Activity – Build community and practice communication strategies. |
Sun 03/05
9:00 – 10:00 | Breakfast – snacks |
10:00 – 11:30 | Communication Strategies – Learn (or review) some basic ProTactile, and share other communication strategies you use. |
11:30 – 1:00 | Lunch – box lunches |
1:00 – 2:30 | Explore An Ambulance – Learn about emergency services and how to interact with emergency service workers. |
2:30 – 3:00 | Wrap up – Final feedback, goodbyes. |
We have secured funding to help cover the cost of paying your SSPs. These funds will cover time at the retreat, plus driving time to/from the retreat, and mileage for the drive. We can cover $15/hour for your SSP. That is about 18 hours during the retreat plus time driving you to/from the retreat. Mileage will be paid at 65.5 cents per mile.
To receive this money, your SSP will need to fill out a timecard. The form is available at
The retreat will be held at the Best Western Plus Kelly Inn in St. Cloud, MN. The address is 100 4th Ave S, St Cloud, MN 56301.
All activities will be in meeting rooms called University A and University B. From the main lobby, stand with the front desk to your left, and walk past the front desk toward the wall. The wall is the “top” of a T intersection. Turn right. You will pass the Women’s Restroom and then the Men’s Restroom. Continue walking a bit. The door to University A will be on your right.
To get to University B, continue further down the hall. Follow the right-hand wall to the next door. Turn right to enter University B. If the hall narrows down to standard width, you’ve gone too far.
Below is a picture of the layout to help you or your SSP visualize the spaces.